
BR 2-01: A Rat for Mouse

I read “A Rat for Mouse”
There is a boy, Mouse. His saw his friend Jojo’s new hamster, Jumbo. And Mouse wanted another pet. The next day, Mr. Macdonald took Mouse to the Pet shop. He thought Mouse would choose another rabbit. But Mouse did not want another rabbit. Mouse saw the rat. He became to want the rat. The shopkeeper said that rats made very good pets and don’t try to handle him until he comes to you, or he might bite you. They chose a cage with a ladder and a wheel. Mouse called his rat Ricky. Every day, when he fed up Ricky, he put his hand inside the cage, and let the rat sniff him but Ricky never bit Mouse. Ricky was not sure about anyone else. He would let people stroke him, but he would never let them pick him up. One day when the friends were watching television, Ricky took Ben’s biscuit. Without thinking, Ben made a grab for him. The rat spun round and sank his teeth into Ben’s finger. But Ben said “Mouse is right. I should not have tried to pick Ricky up. I just forgot.” After that, no one forgot again. Everyone was a bit scared of Mouse’s rat. They thought he was fierce and dangerous. But Mouse adored him.

I think Ricky is very clever and he is cute. And Mouse is very kind person.


Alexander, Jenny. (2001). A Rat for Mouse. Harlow: Pearson Education.

(247 words)

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