
Speaking class

1. Which is better? Beer / Wine

I like wine better than beer. Because beer's taste is bitter. So, I don't like beer much.

2. Which would be more fun to play? A piano / A guitar

I think to play a guitar is fun more than to play a piano. Because when I play a piano before, I couldn't play it at all. Moreover, I like guitar's sound more than piano's. I want to try playing a guitar someday.

3. Which is a better place to shop? YouMe Town / Downtown

I like Downtown better than YouMe Town. Because I think there are manny shops in downtown. I want to go to many shops when I go to shopping.

4. Who would be a better juku teacher? Cameron Diaz / Drew Barrymore

I think Cameron Diaz better than Drew Barrymore. Because I don't know Dre Barrymore. Cameron Diaz is very beautiful woman so I admire her.
(156 words)

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